Product Feature - XO-Series HUET — SEFtec | HUET Training Simulators | Survival Training Equipment

Product Feature - XO-Series HUET

Aim of the XO project

SEFtec developed the XO-Series HUET with the aim of creating the best HUET trainer on the market. The objectives were clear; it had to be the highest fidelity, most flexible, most controllable HUET ever built.

Structural concept

For many decades the gold standard HUET has been a generic frame with interchangeable panels, which allowed aircraft-specific exits to be fitted. The XO-Series takes this to a new dimension, by allowing the entire structure of the HUET to be interchangeable, so that any vehicle can be replicated incredibly accurately on the same platform.

Key insight

Not only did SEFtec take a fresh look at the structure of the trainer, they looked with fresh eyes at the core behaviour of the trainer. This led to a key insight: How a HUET rolls is key to training fidelity.

A traditional HUET submerges before its buoyancy rolls it. This offers excellent initial training in the correct escape procedures. However, during a controlled ditching, a helicopter would land on the water surface and then, due to its inherent instability, it can very easily flip over. The passenger experience of inverting before entering the water is very different physiologically than traditional HUETs can provide.

The SEFtec XO-Series is the only HUET on the market with a powered roll. This allows the instructor to replicate any scenario and create the highest fidelity training ever.

Unique features

These two elements are unique to the XO-Series:

  • Flexible structure - so that any vehicle can be accurately replicated

  • Driven roll - so that the instructor can accurately control the experience of the trainees

Each of these advances has been driven by a desire to create a more realistic experience for trainees, while at the same time offering greater control to the instructors to tailor training to the exact learning outcomes they wish to impart.

Find out more

If you want to learn more about the XO-Series and how it could be customised to your exact requirements, contact us to discuss your needs.
