News blog posts

Stephen Murphy

SEFtec to upgrade Polish Navy's METS dunker and crane

SEFtec has been awarded a contract to upgrade the Polish Navy’s METS 5 HUET dunker and crane. The METS upgrade will include new exit panels and seats to allow training of aircrews on specific aircraft configurations, including the Blackhawk, as well as upgrading the existing crane control system and environmental effects.


Control is Everything™

Safety training has one objective; to teach delegates to respond in an appropriate manner to a life-threatening situation they have not encountered before. This requires exposing them to challenges that stretch their abilities. At all times, the well-being of delegates must take priority. The training environment must feel dangerous, but never be dangerous. All equipment must behave exactly as the instructors expect.


SEFtec delivers water survival instructor training to the Irish Air Corps

Members of the Irish Air Corps have successfully completed the SEFtec Shallow Water Egress Training (SWET) Instructor course. The course was delivered by SEFtec at the Defence Forces Training Pool at the Curragh. They have been instructed on and are competent to deliver Shallow Water Egress Training (SWET).


Kuwait Energy visit SEFtec for Factory Acceptance Test

For the past 9 months SEFtec has been working with Kuwait Energy to develop a state-of-the-art 10,000m2 fire training ground near Basra, Iraq. The project has involved SEFtec consulting on the overall fireground layout, detailing the prop designs, and manufacturing the fire control systems and some of the fire props. The remainder of the props have been produced locally using SEFtec designs.


Do you need a custom fire prop?

The SEFtec minibus fire prop is a life-sized replica of a minibus with five gas-fueled fires integrated into it. The prop features hinged and sliding passenger doors as well as rear luggage compartment. The cabin interior includes a drivers seat complete with steering column, front passenger seat and four rows of rear cabin seating with over-head luggage racks.


WATCH: It's not a dunker

When we were asked to design a boat capsize trainer for the Singapore Police Coast Guard’s elite Special Task Squadron we wanted to create as realistic a training scenario as possible. That meant, unlike traditional HUETs, this one couldn’t be dunked into the water from a height.
