EU Commissioner Designate visits SEFtec clients new fire-fighting training facility — SEFtec | HUET Training Simulators | Survival Training Equipment

EU Commissioner Designate visits SEFtec clients new fire-fighting training facility

EU Commissioner Designate, Michael McGrath, has visited SEFtec client EHS International as they opened their new €3 million facility. The facility, based in Cork, Ireland, provides training on how to tackle a wide variety of fire risks. They will also conduct research and development to develop cutting-edge solutions to allow for the safe removal, storage, and transportation of lithium-ion battery cells.

During his visit, Mr McGrath saw a demonstration of fire-fighting training conducted on equipment manufactured by SEFtec to meet the exact requirements of EHS International.

Source: IrishExaminer

EHS International Chief Executive, Chris Mee, showing EU Commissioner Designate, Michael McGrath, some of the fire fighting training equipment delivered by SEFtec.
