Control is Everything™

Safety training has one objective; to teach delegates to respond in an appropriate manner to a life-threatening situation they have not encountered before. This requires exposing them to challenges that stretch their abilities.

At all times, the well-being of delegates must take priority. The training environment must feel dangerous, but never be dangerous. All equipment must behave exactly as the instructors expect.

When it comes to safety training, Control is Everything™.

That’s why SEFtec focuses so much on control. We have developed the most controllable training props on the market:

  • SEFtec XO-Series HUET – allowing a HUET to be rolled exactly how the trainer wants, because how a HUET rolls is key to training fidelity

  • SEFtec Fire Control Modules – allowing any fire prop to be tuned and controlled, because every trainee has different levels of experience

The world’s best instructors use SEFtec equipment because they want to provide repeatable, controlled training iterations that ensure their trainees are prepared for whatever they face in the real world.